More fitness and safe games at the Pilastro park


The Pilastro park has been enriched with new equipment for outdoor physical activity.

In addition to the ordinary maintenance of the park, the GEA company took care of the expansion of the area dedicated to sport, studying new solutions in line with the growing demand for street training equipment. With video surveillance and two entrances, the park has metal castles, swings, pyramids of ropes and swings of various types for the enjoyment of children, while for adults the range of facilities that favor outdoor gymnastics has expanded.

"Already in recent years - explains Matteo Pulli, director of GEA - a small fitness system had been installed which this year has been enhanced by inserting a calistenics alongside the existing structures designed for free-body gymnastics. The existing games were also arranged and made safe according to the UNI EN 1176 standard: the static check was carried out and the bolts were tightened, the sanding and impregnation of the wood was carried out, as well as the repainting of the numerous seats in the park ".

To read the full article, visit the website of Emilia Romagna News24!!  



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