Collecchio: "Parco Anch'io" inaugurated, a 100% inclusive project unique in Italy



A castle, a cableway, swings, benches and a playful-sensory path through the trees. Every game of the new "Parco Anch'io" of viale Saragat in Collecchio (PR) is designed to be totally enjoyed by children and children with disabilities. Inaugurated on 1 June 2022, the innovative equipped area was created by the company Gea Fun Experience of Langhirano (PR), with the aim of stimulating the senses, imagination and interactivity of everyone.

But what can you do in this large equipped space? The main novelty - illustrates Matteo Pulli, director of Gea - is represented by the possibility of playing volleyball with a suspended ball that will never fall because it is tied and revolves around the moving pole. You can then feel the sensation of loss of balance and speed of the double cable car (with classic and clamshell plate)». Also to be experienced are the countless possibilities for fun and growth offered by the castle, equipped with access platforms for wheelchairs: «It is a joy to see children with disabilities - observes Pulli - playing with their friends. They can swing in company on the triple swing with tablet, basket for children and basket included. Finally, between the two main areas, you can enter the natural tunnel of plants where sensory panels for children with blindness and panels of social play such as tris, the maze and memory».

To read the full article visit the website of Parma Daily!!  

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