Can a simple slide help strengthen courage and increase self-esteem?

The activity of descending from above is functional to the development of the girl and the boy. In fact, it is an ilinx (vertical) game that is of great interest to children already in preschool age. An obstacle to overcome that requires them to implement strategies to deal with fear. The adrenaline component of this action satisfies the "need for sensation seeking" which in the sense of Marvin Zuckerman is an innate biological aspect of the personality "defined by the search for risk behaviors, varied and intense sensations and experiences, and by the willingness to take risks physical or social for the pleasure of such situations ".

Getting on the slide involves a global activity full of solicitations: it allows you to get used to continuously changing balances, increases the sense of orientation and allows you to acquire control of the hands and feet in a coordinated way. It helps to overcome the sense of vertigo, to develop a body awareness, to discriminate functional behaviors and to strengthen the sense of self-esteem.

There are slides specially designed for 0-3 year old children. We find an example of this in the playground located at the foot of the Torrechiara Castle (PR) created by GEA Fun Experience, a company that since 2000 has been designing and creating spaces for fun and sport for the whole family, throughout Italy and abroad.
This game has all the characteristics to be attractive to the eyes of the little ones: it has dimensions adequately suited to their perception; they do not perceive it as a source of anguish but as a possible obstacle to be faced.


 To read the full article, visit the website of BabyMagazine !! 


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